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Query Magic

A Hook that can be used to control caches and network requests. Mostly uses to manage state.


You can use this Hook in optimistic updates

Optimistic Update Assume that Pets component display a list of pets.

const fetcher = (context) => { //... your implementations };
const options = { cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 10, ...};

export const Pets = (props) => {
const { data: pets, isFetching } = useQuery(`pets`, fetcher, options);
return (
{isFetching && <p>Fetching...</p>
{pets?.map(pet => {
// ... return your jsx

Somewhere in other components or within Pets component :

const { setDataQuery, getDataQuery, cancelQuery, invalidateQuery } = useQueryMagic();
const { isMutating, mutate: addNewPet } = useMutation((newPet) => {
return fetch(url, { body: JSON.stringfy(newPet), ... }).then(res => res.json());
// this callback will be invoked before `mutator` function with the same argument.
onMutate(newPet) {
const prevPets = getDataQuery(`pets`);
// Cancel ongoing network request if it exists. So that there will not be like data conflicts due to optimistic update.
await cancelQuery(`pets`);
// Users will see immediate result before acutal mutation begins
setDataQuery(`pets`, (oldPets) => ({...oldPets, newPet});
// return context object
return { prevPets };
onError(_err, _newPet, context) {
// consumes context returned from onMutate callback. If mutation failed, set previous pets.
setDataQuery(`pets`, context.prevPets);
onSettled(_newPet, _error, context) {
// invalidate to ensure the data is fresh
const handleAddPet = (newPet) => {

Manage State You can use useQuery and useQueryMagic to synchronize data between multiple components.


const { setQueryData } = useQueryMagic();
// Function that synchronize data(theme) between multiple components
const toggleTheme = () => setQueryData("theme", (light) => !light);


const { data: theme } = useQuery("theme", undefined, {
autoFetchEnabled: false,
}); // Don't forget to disable autoFetchEnabled


const { data: theme } = useQuery("theme", undefined, {
autoFetchEnabled: false,