📄️ useDebounce
This React hook helps to limit that the component is re-rendered too many times.
📄️ useEventCallback
useEventCallback is a React Hook that lets you cache a function definition between re-renders
📄️ useEventListener
Use EventListener with simplicity.
📄️ useIsomorphicLayoutEffect
The React documentation says about useLayoutEffect:
📄️ useLocalStorage
Persist the state with local storage so that it remains after a page refresh. This can be useful for a dark theme.
📄️ useMap
This React hook provides an API to interact with a Map (Documentation)
📄️ useClickOutside
React hook for listening for clicks outside of a specified element (see useRef).
📄️ useSessionStorage
Persist the state with session storage so that it remains after a page refresh. This can be useful to record session information. This hook is used in the same way as useState except that you must pass the storage key in the 1st parameter. If the window object is not present (as in SSR), useSessionStorage() will return the default value.