📄️ Introduction
Client side data fetching and callback-based state management library. Library's syntaxes and functionalities are very similar to and inspired by react-query library. Queries make network requests and cache the results along with the queryKey.
📄️ Query
A Hook to make developer's life easier. This Hook will help you in fetching data and keep you away from handling caches. You don't need to implement imperative stuffs. You can also use this Hook to manage state. Other Hooks, except useMutation, were built on top of this Hook.
📄️ Infinite Query
A Hook that can be used to fetch data infinitely. Unlike other Hooks, will not synchronize data across multiple Hooks with the same queryKey. Syntaxes are very similar to useInfiniteQuery Hook of react-query.
📄️ Experimental infinite query
A Hook that can be used to fetch data infinitely. Like useInfiniteQuery Hook, will not synchronize data across multiple Hooks with the same queryKey. This Hook was built on top of useInfiniteQuery. As the name implies, this Hook is just for experimenting. It's not stable yet.
📄️ Query Magic
A Hook that can be used to control caches and network requests. Mostly uses to manage state.
📄️ Mutation
A Hook that can be used to mutate remote data. Very similar to useMutation Hook of react-query.