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Client side data fetching and callback-based state management library. Library's syntaxes and functionalities are very similar to and inspired by react-query library. Queries make network requests and cache the results along with the queryKey.


  • auto caching
  • data are in sync across multiple Hooks.
  • ability to combine the same multiple network requests (determined by queryKey) into a single one.
  • ability to avoid race conditions.
  • reducing the number of render times as much as possible.
  • freshness of data are guaranteed (depends on passed options object).
  • can also be used to share global state as it has been built using callbacks and guarantee to re-render only affected components.

Response Vs Data

const { isSuccess, data, response } = useMyQuery();

The response represents the untouched response returned from the async function. On the other hand, the data represents the customized selection of the response obtained using the select option. If we didn't define the select option, data will be equal to response.

Getting started

Note: before you start using Hooks, you need to wrap your components withQueryProvider, which is a context provider for all Hooks. You should put QueryProvider on top of all your components. For example :

export default function App(props) {
return <QueryProvider>{/* your components */}</QueryProvider>;

Now you can start using Hooks provided by the library!

const fetchPets = (context) => {
return fetch("url").then((res) => res.json());

export const Pets = (props) => {
const queryInstance = useQuery(["pets"], fetchPets);

return <div>{/* some jsx elements */}</div>;