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A Hook that can be used to mutate remote data. Very similar to useMutation Hook of react-query.


const { isMutating, mutate: addNewPet } = useDataMutation((newPet) => {
return fetch(url, { body: JSON.stringfy(newPet), ... }).then(res => res.json());
// this callback will be invoked before `mutator` function with the same argument.
onMutate(newPet) {
const prevPets = getDataQuery(`pets`);
// Cancel ongoing network request if it exists. So that there will not be like data conflicts due to optimistic update.
await cancelQuery(`pets`);
// Users will see immediate result before acutal mutation begins
setDataQuery(`pets`, (oldPets) => ({...oldPets, newPet});
// return context object
return { prevPets };
onError(_err, _newPet, context) {
// consumes context returned from onMutate callback. If mutation failed, set previous pets.
setDataQuery(`pets`, context.prevPets);
onSettled(_newPet, _error, context) {
// invalidate to ensure the data is fresh