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const useStore = createStore<T>(initializer, {

// Inside component or custom hook
const state = useStore(selectDeps);


  • initializer A function that returns an initial state
  • options? (optional)
    • defaultDeps Set default reactivity (learn more)
    • intercept Intercept set state
    • onFirstSubscribe Handle first subscribe event
    • onSubscribe Handle subscribe event
    • onUnsubscribe Handle unsubscribe event
    • onLastUnsubscribe Handle last unsubscribe event

Return Value

  • useStore()

    • Parameters (optional)
      • selectDeps Customize when to re-render
    • Return Value
      • state
  • Methods

    • useStore.get Get state
    • useStore.set Set state
    • useStore.subscribe Subscribe the store state
    • useStore.getSubscribers Get store subscribers
    • useStore.setDefaultValues Set default/initial values from inside a component (must be called inside component before it gets any subscribers)
    • useStore.Watch A helper component that will watch the state changes (learn more)


const useStores = createStores<TKey, T>(initializer, {
...options, // Same as createStore options

// Inside component or custom hook
const state = useStores(storeKey, selectDeps);
const state = useStores(selectDeps);


  • initializer A function that returns an initial single store state
  • options? (optional)
    • hashKeyFn Custom function to transform the store key (object) into a hash string (learn more)
    • onBeforeChangeKey Handle change key passed to the hook
    • onStoreInitialized Handle single store state initialized event
    • ... same as useStore's

Return Value

  • useStores()

    • Parameters (optional)
      • storeKey Choose which store state will be used (learn more)
      • selectDeps Customize when to re-render
    • Return Value
      • state
  • Methods

    • useStores.get Get state of specific store (specific store key)
    • useStores.getAll Get all stores state
    • useStores.getAllWithSubscriber Get all stores state that has subscriber
    • useStores.set Set state of specific store (specific store key)
    • useStores.setAll Set all stores state
    • useStores.subscribe Subscribe to a store state
    • useStores.getSubscribers Get subscribers of a store state
    • useStores.getStore Get a store
    • useStores.getStores Get all stores
    • useStores.setDefaultValues Set default/initial values from inside a component (must be called inside component before it gets any subscribers)
    • useStores.Watch A helper component that will watch the state changes (learn more)


QueryProvider is a context provider for all components in which they are using library's Hooks. Hooks that were not passed any options by library users, will gains the default options from this provider.

QueryProvider accepts only two props called options and children. options accepts only object type. For example :

<QueryProvider options={{...}}>
options's properties
cacheTimenumber1000 * 60 * 5 (5 mins)Set the cache time duration in milliseconds. If it has elapsed, the state data will then be set with empty data while the data is being fetched when the component mounts or on queryKey changes.
staleTimenumber1000 * 10 (10 secs)Set the stale time duration in milliseconds. This will be used to determine whether the data is stale or not. When staleTime has elapsed, the component will be notified that the data is stale, i.e the component will be re-rendered. If the staleTime doesn't elapse yet, fresh data that was caused by new network request of other Hooks with the same queryKey won't be set to the current Hook.
keepCacheAlwaysbooleanfalseIf set to true, the state data will always get from cache when initializing state. It takes precedence over cacheTime.
keepValueOnKeyChangesbooleantrueWhen the queryKey changes, the data with previous key will always be shown. This is useful if we want users to see the screen with previous data until the data for the next screen is ready.
dataStayInSyncbooleantrueUse to determine whether the hook want to stay in sync when the data was changed (due to new network request) with the same queryKey.
autoFetchEnabledbooleantrueSet to false if you want to manually fetch data. Typically use in dependent queries by toggling this property.
refetchOnWindowFocusbooleantrueSet to false unless you want to fetch data when gains focus again after losing it. This can ensure that the app receives fresh data.
markUpdatesAsTransitionsbooleanfalseMark state updates as transition, i.e wrap state setter functions within the startTransition function. If the state update is not critical to the immediate rendering or user experience, you can consider setting to true.
offsetBottomnumber0Set any value that can be converted to number. This option is useful when you want to fetch data before the scroll position reaches the bottom. Use with useExperimentalInfiniteScrollDataQuery Hook.


// Type parameter `T` for the shape of returned `data`
useQuery<T>(queryKey, fetcher?, options?)

// `MutatorInput` defines the shape of the argument passed to `mutate` and `onMutate` callback's parameter
// `ReturnedData` defines the shape of the returned data
// `Context` defines the shape of callbacks's parameter `onSuccess`, `onError`, and `onSettled`. `onMutate` callback should return the promise that resolve `Context` data type.
useMutation<MutatorInput, ReturnedData, Context>(mutator, callbacks?)

// Type parameter `T` for the shape of returned `data`. You DON'T NEED to define array type. Just need to define the shape of each item.
// For example, if you pass Color type argument, it will return like Color[][]
useInfiniteQuery<T>(queryKey, fetcher, options);

// Same as `useInfiniteQuery` Hook.



  • queryKey - can be any type. Better avoid falsy values. This helps to keep the query in queue and cache. When this value changed, the new data has to be initialized, i.e the new network request will be initiated. You don't need to worry about network request duplications as the library will internally handle it.
  • fetcher - the function who initiates network request. Must return promise that will be resolved by the result of network request completion. For example:
const fetcher = (context) => fetch('url`).then(res => res.json());

context is an object that contains queryKey and param properties. param can be of any type that is passed as the argument of refetch function returned by useQuery. Note also that you should not try to catch network related error in fetcher function. useQuery will notify you whenever the error occurs.

  • options - to override the options received from QueryProvider. You can also pass callback functions such as onSuccess, onError, onSettled, and onMutated.

    • initialData - initial data to return. It will be cached silently i.e other Hooks with same queryKey will not be notified when it is being cached. Please note that if the data with the same queryKey already exists in the cache, that cached data will return instead of initialData.
    • onSuccess(data) - which will be invoked when network request successfully completed.
    • onError(reason) - which will be invoked when network related error has occurred. All onError callbacks passed to library Hooks will not automatically be invoked on Server Error (HTTP statuses like 404, 500). You must explicitly throw it in your fetcher function.
    fetch(...).then(res => {
    if(!res.ok) throw new Error(...)
    return res.json();
    • onSettled(data, reason) - which will be invoked whether or not succeeded or failed`.
    • onMutated(data) - which will be invoked when you invoke setQueryData and setQueriesData functions returned from useQueryMagic Hook.

Return Value

queryKeyanythe first argument of useQuery Hook
dataanythe value that resolved to the returned Promise of your fetcher function
erroranyThe reason why error occurred
isLoadingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. true for only first time network request. But if you have disabled keepValueOnKeyChanges, this will be set to true if there is no cache for new queryKey.
isFetchingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. This will always be true on every network requests.
isSuccessbooleanIndicating whether the data is successfully fetched.
isErrorbooleanIndicating whether the network related error has occurred.
isStalebooleanIndicating whether the data becomes stale or not. The component will be re-rendered when the data becomes stale.
refetchfunctionA function to manually fetch data. When you call this function, the new network request will be initiated only if there is no already ongoing request with the same queryKey. When the data becomes available, the Hook will be notified with new data and update the data state with that new data.
forceRefetchfunctionUnlike refetch function, this will cancel ongoing network request with the same queryKey and initiate the new network request.

Cancelling network request doesn't actually cancel the request. It is just protecting from race conditions. However, future releases will actually cancel the network request by using AbortController.



  • mutator - a function to mutate remote data

Return Value

dataany | nullData that represents mutated data
errorError objectThe reason why error occurred
isMutatingbooleanIndicating whether data is mutating
isSuccessbooleanIndicating whether remote data is successfully mutated
isErrorbooleanIndicating whether the error has occurred
mutatefunctionIt accepts one argument. When you call this function, it invokes mutator function with its argument. Before actual mutation, it invokes onMutate callback function first with its argument.



  • queryKey - same as useQuery.
  • fetcher - function who initiate network request.
const fetcher = (context) => {
// extract pageParam from param
const { pageParam } = context.param;
return fetch(`https://...${pageParam}`).then((res) => res.json());
  • options - to override default options received from QueryProvider. autoFetchEnabled and refetchOnWindowFocus are disabled. You can't modify it. There are another two properties you need to pass. They are callback function : getNextPageParam and getPrevPageParam. onSuccess, onError and onSettled are optional.
  • getNextPageParam(lastPage, pages) - This function will be used to determine pageParam for the next page and for the hasNextPage status. Return undefined if there is no more pages. Don't rely on the number of invoked times as it will generally be invoked three times for one page. Will fix it in future releases.
  • getPrevPageParam(firstPage, pages) - This function will be used to determine pageParam for the previous page and for the hasPrevPage status. Return undefined if there is no more pages. Don't rely on the number of invoked times as it will generally be invoked three times for one page. Will fix it in future releases.
  • onReset(fetchPage) - Will be invoked when you invoke reset function returned from useInfiniteQuery. Read more about fetchPage function below.

Return value


dataarrayan array of array that represent pages
errorErrorreason why error has occurred.
isFetchingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. This will always be true on every network requests.
isLoadingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. true for only first time network request. But if you have disabled keepValueOnKeyChanges, this will be set to true if there is no cache for new queryKey.
isFetchingNextPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the next page is being fetched.
isFetchingPrevPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the previous page is being fetched.
hasNextPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the next page exists.
hasPrevPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the previous page exists.
isErrorbooleanIndicating whether the network related error has occurred.
fetchPagefunctionFetch specific page. It accepts one argument that will be passed as the pageParam property of param object which is the property of context object received infetcher function.

If you invoke fetchPage function like this:

Your fetcher function will received it via pageParam property :
const fetcher = ({param: { pageParam }) => {}
fetchNextPagefunctionFetch next page. Your fetcher function will received pageParam via getNextPageParam callback function which is passed as the property of options object.
fetchPrevPagefunctionFetch previous page. Your fetcher function will received pageParam via getPrevPageParam callback function which is passed as the property of options object.
resetfunctionClear cache and reset data. It will invoke onReset callback function passed as the property of options object.



  • queryKey - same as useInfiniteQuery
  • fetcher - same as useInfiniteQuery
  • containerRef - ref created with useRef that is passed as the ref prop to the element.
const containeRef = useRef(null);
const queryInstance = useExperimentalInfiniteQuery(
<div ref={containerRef}> ... </div>;
  • options - same as useInfiniteQuery. There is an extra option offsetBottom It can be set any value that can be converted to number. This option is useful when you want to fetch data before the scroll position reaches the bottom most part. It is used in calculation like scrollTop + offsetBottom.

Return Value

dataarrayan array of array that represent pages
hasNextPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the next page exists.
isLoadingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. true for only first time network request. But if you have disabled keepValueOnKeyChanges, this will be set to true if there is no cache for new queryKey.
isFetchingbooleanIndicating whether the data is being fetched. This will always be true on every network requests.
isFetchingNextPagebooleanIndicating whether the data for the next page is being fetched.
resetfunctionClear cache and reset data. It will invoke onReset callback function passed as the property of options object.
fetchPagefunctionFetch specific page. It accepts one argument that will be passed as the pageParam property of param object which is the property of context object received infetcher function.

If you invoke fetchPage function like this:

Your fetcher function will received it via pageParam property :
const fetcher = ({param: { pageParam }) => {}


No parameters


setQueryData(queryKey, querySetter )Can be used to synchronize data across multiple Hooks with the same queryKey.
querySetter can be of any type. If it is a function, that function will be invoked with the data from cache as argument and its return value will be used to set new data for all Hooks with the same queryKey. If is not a function, its value will be used like a returned value of the function.
setQueriesData(dataQueries)Can be used to synchronize multiple data with just one function.
dataQueries is an array of dataQuery objects in which must contain queryKeyand querySetter properties just like the argument of setQueryData function.
getQueryData(queryKey)Can be used to get data from cache with the same queryKey.
getQueriesData(queryKeys)Get more than one data according to the order list of queryKeys.
queryKeys is an array of queryKey.
cancelQuery(queryKey)Cancel ongoing network request with the same queryKey. It is an async function.
clearCacheData(queryKey)Remove cache data associated with your queryKey.
clearAllCachesData( )Clear all cache data.
invalidateQuery(queryKey)Invalidate the data from cache, i.e the new network request will be initiated if there is no already ongoing network request associated with same queryKey. Whether or not network request is initiated within the Hook, its status will be updated. such as isFetching: true.
invalidateQueries(queryKeys)Invalidate all data associated with each queryKey of queryKeys array.