Create a Store
import { createStore } from '@esmo/react-utils';
const useCatStore = createStore(({ set }) => ({
age: 0,
isSleeping: false,
increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),
import { createStore } from '@esmo/react-utils';
type CatStore = {
age: number;
isSleeping: boolean;
increaseAge: () => void;
reset: () => void;
const useCatStore = createStore<CatStore>(({ set }) => ({
age: 0,
isSleeping: false,
increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),
Use the Hook Anywhere
No providers are needed.
function Cat() {
const { age } = useCatStore((state) => [state.age]);
return <div>Cat's age: {age}</div>;
function Control() {
const { increaseAge } = useCatStore((state) => [state.increaseAge]);
return <button onClick={increaseAge}>Increase cat's age</button>;
Control the Reactivity
The concept is same as useEffect
dependency array.
function Cat() {
const { age, isSleeping } = useCatStore();
// Will re-render every state change ^
return <div>...</div>;
function Cat() {
const { age, isSleeping } = useCatStore((state) => [state.isSleeping]);
// Will only re-render when isSleeping is updated ^
// Update on age won't cause re-render this component
return <div>...</div>;
function Cat() {
const { age, isSleeping } = useCatStore((state) => [state.age, state.isSleeping]);
// Will re-render when age or isSleeping is updated ^
return <div>...</div>;
function Cat() {
const { age, isSleeping } = useCatStore((state) => [state.age > 3]);
// Will only re-render when (age>3) is updated
return <div>...</div>;
Set Default Reactivity
const useCatStore = createStore(
({ set }) => ({
age: 0,
isSleeping: false,
increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),
defaultDeps: (state) => [state.age],
function Cat() {
const { age } = useCatStore();
// ^will only re-render when age changed
return <div>Cat's age: {age}</div>;
Using Store Outside Component
Reading/writing state and reacting to changes outside of components.
const alertCatAge = () => {
const toggleIsSleeping = () => {
useCatStore.set((state) => ({ isSleeping: !state.isSleeping }));
const unsub = useCatStore.subscribe(
// Action
(state) => {
console.log('The value of age is changed!', state.age);
// Reactivity dependency (just like useEffect dependency mentioned above)
(state) => [state.age],
// ^If not set, the action will be triggered on every state change
const getSubscribersOfCat = () => useCatStore.getSubscribers();
Important Notes
Don't mutate.
import { createStore } from '@esmo/react-utils';
const useCartStore = createStore(({ set, get }) => ({
products: [],
addProduct: (newProduct) => {
const currentProducts = get().products;
product.push(newProduct); // ❌ Don't mutate
set({ product });
Don't use conditional reactivity selector.
function Cat({ isSomething }) {
const { age } = useCatStore(isSomething ? (state) => [state.age] : null); // ❌
const { age } = useCatStore((state) => (isSomething ? [state.age] : [state.isSleeping])); // ❌
No need to memoize the reactivity selector.
function Cat() {
const selectAge = useCallback((state) => [state.age], []); // ❌
const { age } = useCatStore(selectAge);
No need to memoize the store key / query key.
function PokemonsPage() {
const queryKey = useMemo(() => ({ generation: 'ii', sort: 'asc' }), []); // ❌
const { isLoading, data } = usePokemonsQuery(queryKey);