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As Local Storage

Want a local state instead of global state? Or, want to set the initial state inside component?

const [CatStoreProvider, useCatStoreContext] = withContext(() =>
createStore(({ set }) => ({
age: 0,
isSleeping: false,
increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),

function Parent() {
return (
<CatAge />
<CatIsSleeping />
<WillNotReRenderAsCatStateChanged />

<CatAge />
<CatIsSleeping />
<WillNotReRenderAsCatStateChanged />

<CatStoreProvider onInitialize={(store) => store.set({ age: 99 })}>
<CatAge />
<CatIsSleeping />
<WillNotReRenderAsCatStateChanged />

function CatAge() {
const { age } = useCatStoreContext()((state) => [state.age]);
return <div>Age: {age}</div>;
function CatIsSleeping() {
const useCatStore = useCatStoreContext();
const { isSleeping } = useCatStore((state) => [state.isSleeping]);
return (
<div>Is Sleeping: {String(isSleeping)}</div>
<button onClick={useCatStore.get().increaseAge}>Increase cat age</button>